“Hunter is a unique combination of a scholar who is also a proven leader in evangelism. He has engaged in countless one-on-one conversations with nonbelievers and has been involved in public debates with scholars.”
In the cultural climate of the 21st century unbelievers need to hear the gospel message as much as ever before. However, unlike the world of the mid 20th century, atheists, agnostics, and proponents of false forms of the faith are becoming more evangelistic for their causes. Students, workers and even ministers are being challenged to accept that modern science, philosophy and mere human desire dictate that they should live a life devoid of Christian sacrifice. For this reason, Trinity Crusades for Christ exists. We are happy to assist God’s people by scheduling evangelistic events, Christian defense conferences and personal evangelism training weeks. It is our desire to see the lost embrace the life that Christ died that they might have, and see Christians grow in their knowledge of how to preach and defend that message. If you would like to schedule an event in your community, contact us now. We are excited to work with you.
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